上級へのとびら これで身につく文法力 Look Sample Pages(PDF)

  • Intermediate
  • Pre-Advanced
  • Grammar
  • English

TOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese
TOBIRA: Grammar Power

Exercises for Mastery

Michio Tsutsui/Shoko Emori/Yoshiro Hanai/Satoru Ishikawa/Junko Kondo/Mayumi Oka
List Price
2,420 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-570-5 C0081
Release date
Nov 27, 2012
224 + 32
Online Bookstore
amazon rakuten Kinokuniya MaruzenJunkudo  e-hon 

The grammar workbook that accompanies Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese holistically supports advancing grammar skills by presenting grammar exercises in order of difficulty. Learners begin with basic grammar problems and advance to applied exercises that help them express their own ideas on topics covered in Tobira. You will enjoy studying various grammar forms in depth because of its varied exercises including combined grammar forms, similar expressions, and problems that nurture writing skills. Answer sheets can be easily separated out from the book.

<TOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese>
■Mayumi Oka, Michio Tsutsui, Junko Kondo, Shoko Emori, Yoshiro Hanai, & Satoru Ishikawa
You are no longer a beginner, but not yet advanced. Now what? Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese is your answer. This is the first textbook that addresses the gap between intermediate- and advanced-level learners. Topics explored include Japanese geography and history to pop culture. Tobira facilitates learning through the use of multimedia, and helps you construct a Japanese environment even while living abroad.

Level: Intermediate
Supplementary Volumes: Kanji workbook, grammar workbook, and a guidebook for instructors

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