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Japan Studies for Japanese Learners
Nihon Shiso ni okeru Yutopia

History of “Utopian Thought” in Japan

Taketomo Takahashi Yuriko Sunakawa/Yuichi Sunakawa/Bekes Andrej/Toshihiro Fukunishi [series eds.]
List Price
1,320 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-631-3 C0081
Release date
Sep 1, 2014
Online Bookstore
amazon rakuten Kinokuniya MaruzenJunkudo  e-hon 

Strengthen your ability to read specialized materials and deepen your knowledge and understanding of Japanese culture and society with this series. Nihon Shiso ni okeru Yutopia traces the history of “Utopian Thought” in Japan through ancient mythologies, popular movements, thinkers and philosophers, and modern literature.

<Japan Studies for Japanese Learners>
■Yuriko Sunakawa, Yuichi Sunakawa, Andrej Bekeš, & Toshihiro Fukunishi eds.
Want to be a researcher in Japan Studies or just want to know more about Japanese culture and society? This series is written for you. This series develops your ability to read through an entire book written by a specialist while acquiring in-depth knowledge on a specific topic. It will help you bridge that gap between being a learner of Japanese to conducting research in Japanese.

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