新・シャドーイング 日本語を話そう! 中~上級編 音声CD

  • Intermediate
  • Pre-Advanced
  • Advanced
  • Conversation
  • Listening
  • English
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Korean

Shadowing: Let's speak Japanese!
New・Shadowing: Let’s Speak Japanese! Intermediate to Advanced Edition Audio CD

List Price
1,650 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-901-7 C2081
Release date
May 12, 2022
Online Bookstore
amazon.co.jp books.rakuten.co.jp

<Shadowing: Let's speak Japanese!>
How can you make full sentences flow out of you effortlessly and fluently? Try ‘shadowing,’ a technique where you follow a voice recording as closely as possible until you are speaking with the recording. This book introduces natural dialogues that are fun to follow, starting at the beginner level. Consistent use of this book will lead to effortless fluency.

Level: Beginner to Advanced
Translations Available: English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese