コロケーションで増やす表現 vol.1 新装版

  • Advanced
  • Vocabulary


Korokeshon de Fuyasu Hyohen
Korokeshon de Fuyasu Hyohen vol. 1: Honki no Nihongo New Edition

Improve Expressiveness of Japanese by focusing on “collocation”

Masaki Ono/Noriko Kobayashi/Morihisa Hasegawa
List Price
1,980 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-993-2 C0081
Release date
Nov 14, 2024
Online Bookstore
amazon rakuten Kinokuniya MaruzenJunkudo  e-hon 

What is the magic formula to push your Japanese to that ever-ephemeral advanced level? This Japanese workbook offers a solution through focusing on a phenomenon known in linguistics as “collocation.” Quite often, simple words you learned as a beginner are used together (that is, “collocated”) to create natural expressions frequently used in daily conversation. In this book you will explore vocabulary under the categories of “head, body, and hand,” first diving into the deeper meaning of each individual word, and then learning how they work in combination to form common expressions. No CD included. You can self-study on the website.

Level: Advanced

<Korokeshon de Fuyasu Hyohen>
■Masaki Ono, Noriko Kobayashi, & Morihisa Hasegawa
What is the magic formula to push your Japanese to that ever-ephemeral advanced level? This workbook offers a solution through focusing on a phenomenon known in linguistics as “collocation.” Quite often, simple words you learn as a beginner are used together (that is, “collocated”) to create a natural expression frequently used in daily conversation. This workbook explores the deeper meaning of each word, and then teaches you expressions the word forms in combination with other vocabulary. As a result, you can efficiently increase your vocabulary with less effort, while simultaneously widening your range of linguistic expression. Examples of real-life use can be searched on the online platform, aiding self-study.

Volume 1 focuses on vocabulary categorized according to meaning under “head, body, and hand.”
Volume 2 focuses on vocabulary categorized according to meaning under “foot, mouth, and eye.”

Level: Advanced

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