初級日本語 とびら Ⅱ Look Sample Pages(PDF)

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TOBIRA: Beginning Japanese
TOBIRA II: Beginning Japanese

Mayumi Oka/Junko Kondo/Michio Tsutsui/Yuta Mori/Tomoko Okuno/Yoshimi Sakakibara/Ayaka Sogabe/Masae Yasuda
List Price
3,850 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-900-0 C0081
Release date
Jul 1, 2022
Online Bookstore
amazon rakuten Kinokuniya MaruzenJunkudo  e-hon 

Rediscover yourself and connect with the world through the study of Japanese language. This is the theme of Volume 2 of TOBIRA: Beginning Japanese, which both deepens its inner focus and expands to a more global scope than Volume 1. This volume pairs language learning with self-discovery by encouring learners to engage with their own experiences, growth, and goals while also addressing cross-cultural experiences and social issues.

[Features of the TOBIRA: Beginning Japanese series]
1. Language-learning methods tailored to the digital generation
(Learning using social media, instructional videos, etc.)
2. Goal setting based on original "can-do" lists
3. Natural conversations with real-life applications
4. Close link between vocabulary, expressions, kanji, and grammar
5. Introduction of Japanese culture that is relevant to life in modern-day Japan

By providing abundant online teaching materials, this textbook supports not only traditional face-to-face instruction but also online learning, flipped classrooms, hybrid classes, and various other instructional styles, providing learners anywhere in the world with a fun and efficient means of studying Japanese. An electronic version of the textbook will also be published.

<TOBIRA: Beginning Japanese>
■Mayumi Oka, Junko Kondo, Michio Tsutsui, Yuta Mori, Tomoko Okuno, Yoshimi Sakakibara, Ayaka Sogabe, Masae Yasuda

【Related WEB Sites】
「The TOBIRA Website」
You can access a variety of different supplimentary materials on the website.

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