シャドーイング 日本語を話そう! 就職・アルバイト・進学面接編 音声ダウンロード付[英語・中国語・韓国語訳版] Look Sample Pages(PDF)

  • Intermediate
  • Pre-Advanced
  • Advanced
  • Conversation
  • Listening
  • English
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Korean

Shadowing: Let's speak Japanese!
Shadowing: Let’s Speak Japanese! Employment & Part-Time Job & Admissions Interviews

English, Chinese, Korean translation

Hitoshi Saito/Michiko Fukazawa/Rieko Sakai/Masako Nakamura
List Price
1,980 yen (tax included)
978-4-87424-947-5 C0081
Release date
May 25, 2023
Online Bookstore
amazon rakuten Kinokuniya MaruzenJunkudo  e-hon 

You have an interview coming up… in Japanese! Now what? Shadowing: Let's Speak Japanese! has the interviews edition just for times like this! This book covers a wide range of dialogues that take place during different types of interviews, allowing you to thoroughly prepare whether you are applying to study or to work, part-time or full-time. Emphasis is placed on practicing your ‘jiko PR (self-introduction)’ and ‘shibō dōki (motivation for application)’ statements—the two key aspects of a Japanese interview. The book is also full of practical advice, like what to watch out for during the interview and frequently used phrases. Accompanied by English, Simplified Chinese, and Korean translations, this is also an excellent companion for self-study.

<Shadowing: Let's speak Japanese!>
How can you make full sentences flow out of you effortlessly and fluently? Try ‘shadowing,’ a technique where you follow a voice recording as closely as possible until you are speaking with the recording. This book introduces natural dialogues that are fun to follow, starting at the beginner level. Consistent use of this book will lead to effortless fluency.

Level: Beginner to Advanced
Translations Available: English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese