Linguistics Workshop Series 8
Asymmetries in Phonology
An East-Asian Perspective
- 定価
- 4,180円(3,800円+税)
- 978-4-87424-411-1 C3081
- 発売日
- 2008/2/29
- 判型
- A5
- ページ数
- 208頁
- ジャンル
- 言語学・英語学 ― <Linguistics Workshop Series>
<Linguistics Workshop Series>
■Taro Kageyama 編
- 目次
- Series Foreword
List of Contributors
Introduction Haruo Kubozono
Perception-based Asymmetries in Place Assimilation and Lenition Jongho Jun
1. Introduction
2. Commonalities Between Lenition and Place Assimilation
3. Place Assimilation Asymmetries
4. Lenition Asymmetries
5. Conclusion
Decomposing the Syllable Contact Asymmetry in Korean Karen Baertsch and Stuart Davis
1. Introduction
2. The Links between the Second Member of an Onset and a Singleton Coda
3. Syllable Margins in Optimality Theory―The Split Margin Proposal
4. The Extension of the M2 Hierarchy to Syllable Contact Phenomena
5. Conclusion
Phonological Markedness and Asymmetries in Japanese Mimetics Akio Nasu
1. Introduction
2. Dominance Effect of Coronals in Palatalization
3. Voicing Asymmetry in Mimetics and the Markedness of [p]
4. Asymmetries in Syllabic Organization
5. Conclusion
Asymmetries in Voiced Stop Gemination Manami Hirayama
1. Introduction
2. Asymmetry in Place of Articulation in Voiced Stop Geminates in Loanwords
3. Accounts for the Place Asymmetry from an Articulatory Point of View
4. Perception of Voiced Geminates in Japanese
5. Voiceless and Voiced Geminates – Instability of Voiced Stop Geminates
6. Conclusion
Appendix:Gemination and Non-Gemination in Loanwords
Asymmetry of Phoneme Perception in L2 Listening Takashi Otake
1. Introduction
2. Native Listening
3. Non-native Listening
4. Summary and Interpretation of Major Findings
Asymmetry in Second-language Syllable Perception Keiichi Tajima
1. Introduction
2. Training Experiment:Methods
3. Results
4. Response Distribution
5. Performance on Real Words
6. Discussion
The /y/‐/w/ Asymmetry in Japanese Loanwords Timothy J. Vance and Yuka Matsugu
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Results
4. Discussion
/ai/‐/au/ Asymmetry: A Phonetic Account Haruo Kubozono
1. Introduction
2. Empirical Data from Japanese
3. Data from Other Languages
4. ‘Better Nucleus’ Hypothesis
5. Conclusion
Asymmetrical Phonologization in Japanese: A Case Study Gabor Pinter
1. Introduction
2. Background:Phonologization and Asymmetry
3. The Data
4. Phonological Explanation:Dispersion and Context-sensitive Contrast
5. Experimental Data
6. Conclusion
Accentual Asymmetry in Trimoraic Sino-Japanese Words Shinji Ogawa
1. Introduction
2. Accent Pattern of Trimoraic SJ Words
3. Where Does Accentual Asymmetry Come from?
4. Conclusion
- 著者紹介
- ◆編者
Haruo Kubozono
Department of Linguistics, Kobe University, Japan
「言語学・英語学 ― <Linguistics Workshop Series>」の他の本
The Dynamics of the Language Faculty Hiroto Hoshi 編 2009/3/30 発売
Issues in East Asian Language Acquisition Mineharu Nakayama 編 2001/9/2 発売
Studies in Japanese Grammaticalization Toshio Ohori 編 1998/3/2 発売
Scrambling Shigeo Tonoike 編 1997/8/27 発売
Verb Semantics and Syntactic Structure Taro Kageyama 編 1997/1/17 発売
Japanese Syntax in Comparative Grammar Nobuko Hasegawa 編 1993/6/4 発売
Topics in Small Clauses Heizo Nakajima/Shigeo Tonoike 編 1991/11/22 発売
Tough Constructions in English and Japanese[LW3]