The Dynamics of the Language Faculty


Linguistics Workshop Series 9
The Dynamics of the Language Faculty

Perspectives from Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience


978-4-87424-442-5 C3080
言語学・英語学 ― <Linguistics Workshop Series>
オンライン書店 楽天ブックス
紀伊國屋書店 丸善・ジュンク堂書店・文教堂


<Linguistics Workshop Series>
■Taro Kageyama ・・・(全文を読む)



■Japanese Scrambling: The Dynamics of On-Line Processing
  Ruth Kempson and Jieun Kiaer
 1. Introduction: The Challenge of Japanese Scrambling
 2. Scrambling: The Point of Departure
 3. Syntax as a Parsing Mechanism: The Case of Japanese
 4. Long-distance Scrambling
 5. Conclusion

■At the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface:Japanese Relative Clause Construal
  Ruth Kempson and Akiko Kurosawa
 1. Introduction
 2. Dynamic Syntax: A General Dynamics for Structural Explanation
 3. Japanese Relative Clause Constructions
 4. Conclusion: Towards a Relative-clause Typology

■On Floating Numeral Quantifiers in Japanese
  Kenji Yokota
 1. Introduction
 2. Distributive/Non-distributive FNQs with Partitive/Non-partitive Readings
 3. Two Types of FNQ Constructions
 4. Prosody of FNQ Constructions
 5. Further Remarks on Non-distributivity and Non-partitivity in FNQs
 6. Conclusion

■On Scope and Phases:Reconsidering Structure Building and Interpretation
  Yukiko Ueda
 1. Introduction
 2. Scope and Phases
 3. Eliminating QR Parameter
 4. A Mechanism of Subject Licensing
 5. Scrambling
 6. Floating Quantifiers: Bare Fquants and Scope
 7. Passives
 8. ECM Constructions
 9. Conclusion

■Identification of Null Arguments in Japanese
  Jun Abe
 1. Introduction
 2. Support for the NP Ellipsis Analysis
 3. Problems of the NP Ellipsis Analysis
 4. Theoretical Implications
 5. Conclusions and Some Relevant Remarks

■A Note on Ellipsis of Quantificational Objects in Japanese
  Daiko Takahashi
 1. Introduction
 2. Null Objects: VP-Ellipsis or Argument Ellipsis?
 3. Null objects Controlled by Quantifiers
 4. Conclusion

■Agree, Control and Complex Predicates
  Hiroto Hoshi and Yoko Sugioka
 1. Introduction
 2. Proposal
 3. Analysis and Supporting Evidence
 4. Further Consequences and Their Theoretical Implications
 5. Conclusion

■Modularity of Word Formation:
 Differences between Two Types of Japanese Compound Verbs
  Yoko Yumoto
 1. Introduction
 2. Three Types of Syntactic Compound Verbs
 3. Six Patterns of Semantic Amalgamation in Lexical Compounding
 4. Conclusion

■Cognitive Neuroscience of Scrambling
  Masatoshi Koizumi
 1. Introduction
 2. Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
 3. Case Studies of Scrambling
 4. Conclusion

■How the Brain Processes Scrambled Word Order in On-line
 Sentence Comprehension: Event-related Potential Studies
  Hiroko Hagiwara
 1. Introduction
 2. Event-related Potential Studies on Filler-gap Dependency
 3. Processing Non-local Filler-gap Dependency
 4. Processing Local Filler-gap Dependency
 5. Processing Right Dislocation Construction
 6. Relationship between Headedness and Integration
 7. Summary and Conclusion

■Neurological Evidence Differentiates Two Types of Japanese Causatives
  Takane Ito, Yoko Sugioka, and Hiroko Hagiwara
 1. Introduction
 2. Debates over How Complex Words Are Processed
 3. Two Types of Causatives in Japanese
 4. Experiment on Patients with Agrammatism
 5. ERP Experiment
 6. Conclusion

■Intrinsic Mechanisms Underlying the Recovery from Aphasia
  Ken Nagata, Eriko Yokoyama, Yuichi Satoh, Yasushi Kondoh,
  Tetsuya Maeda, Takashi Yamazaki, Naoko Ogura, Daiki Takano,
  David Wright, Hiromi Komatsu, Miyuki Seki and Tomoko Asari
 1. Introduction
 2. Background
 3. Factors Associated with Recovery of Aphasia
 4. Long-tern Follow-up Studies with PET
 5. Correlation between Aphasia Scores and PET Data
 6. Possible Mechanisms Concerning Recovery Process
Hiroto Hoshi: Akita University