Recognition and Production of English Syllables by Speakers of English and Japanese


Recognition and Production of English Syllables by Speakers of English and Japanese


978-4-87424-463-0 C3080
言語学・英語学 ― 言語学専門
amazon 楽天ブックス 紀伊國屋書店 丸善ジュンク堂書店  e-hon 



■Chapter 1 Introduction

■Chapter 2 Syllabification of VCV words and nonwords by English speakers
 2.1. Introduction
 2.2. Experiment 1
  2.2.1. Stimuli
  2.2.2. Participants
  2.2.3. Procedure
 2.3. Results and discussion
  2.3.1. English words in oral and written tasks
  2.3.2. Nonwords

■Chapter 3 Syllabification of VCV words and nonwords by Japanese speakers
 3.1. Introduction
 3.2. Experiment 2
  3.2.1. Participants and method
 3.3. Results and discussion
  3.3.1. English words in oral and written tasks
  3.3.2. Nonwords
  3.3.3. Analyses of “Other” responses in the oral task

■Chapter 4 Syllabification of VCV words and nonwords by Japanese speakers who had been trained to recognize English syllables
 4.1. Introduction
 4.2. Syllable-recognition training
  4.2.1. Participants and method
  4.2.2 Results
 4.3. Experiment 3
  4.3.1. Method and prediction
 4.4. Results
  4.4.1. English words in oral and written tasks
  4.4.2. Nonwords
  4.4.3. Analyses of “Other” responses in the oral task
 4.5. Discussion

■Chapter 5 Syllabification of VCCV words and nonwords by English speakers
 5.1. Introduction
 5.2. Experiment 4
  5.2.1. Stimuli
  5.2.2. Participants
  5.2.3. Procedure
 5.3. Results and discussion
  5.3.1. English words in oral tasks
  5.3.2. Nonwords
  5.3.3. English words in written tasks

■Chapter 6 Syllabification of VCCV words and nonwords by Japanese speakers
 6.1. Introduction
 6.2. Experiment 5
  6.2.1. Participants and method
 6.3. Results and discussion
  6.3.1. English words in oral tasks
  6.3.2. Nonwords
  6.3.3. English words in written tasks

■Chapter 7 Syllabification of VCCV words and nonwords by Japanese speakers trained to recognize English syllables
 7.1. Introduction
 7.2. Syllable-recognition training
  7.2.1. Participants and method
  7.2.2. Results
 7.3. Experiment 6
  7.3.1. Participants and method
  7.3.2. Results and discussion English words in oral tasks Nonwords English words in written tasks

■Chapter 8 Syllabification of VCCV words by English-speaking children
 8.1. Introduction
 8.2. Experiment 7
  8.2.1. Method
  8.2.2. Results 
 8.3. Discussion

■Chapter 9 Syllabification of VCCCV words by English-speaking children, English-speaking adults, and Japanese-speaking adults
 9.1. Introduction
 9.2. Experiment 8
  9.2.1. Method
  9.2.2. Results
 9.3. Discussion

■Chapter 10 Training Japanese learners of English to recognize and produce English syllables
 10.1. Introduction
■Chapter 10 Training Japanese learners of English to recognize and produce English syllables
 10.1. Introduction
 10.2. Experiment 9
  10.2.1. Method Procedure Syllable-counting training
 10.3. Results
  10.3.1. Overall performance
  10.3.2. How do Japanese students recognize syllables and what effect does the training have on their syllable identification? Do Japanese students recognize more syllables or less syllables than are present? Which words are difficult to identify? How many syllables do Japanese students recognize in each type of word?
  10.3.3. Segmentation of English syllables on the text
  10.3.4. Song performance
 10.4. Discussion

■Chapter 11 General discussion
 11.1. Syllabification of VCV words and nonwords
 11.2. Syllabification of VCCV words and nonwords
 11.3. Syllabification of VCCV words by English-speaking children and syllabification of VCCCV words
 11.4. Training Japanese learners of English through syllable-counting tasks

■Chapter 12 Conclusion
Professor of Linguistics in the Department of English at Kyoto Women’s University, Japan. His research focuses on phonetics, laboratory phonology, and psycholinguistics in conjunction with second language acquisition and learning. His publications include Kotoba to Shinri (Language and Psychology) (Kurosio, 2005), Kotoba to Ninchi no Shikumi (Explorations into the Mechanism of Language and Cognition) (co-author, Sanseido, 2007), “Syllabification of intervocalic consonants by English and Japanese speakers” (Language and Speech, 45, 2002), “Syllabification of English consonant clusters by speakers of English and Japanese” (Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 10, 2006), and “Grammatical class and rhythmic context: English stress assignment by Japanese students” (JACET Journal, 44, 2007).